bandmembers 1998 - 2000

Henk Hofstede guitars, vocals

Rob Kloet drums

Arwen Linnemann bass

Laetitia van Kriekenkeyboards

1999 august

alankomaat tour

vondelpark, amsterdam

1998 - 1999

Hofstede and Kloet record the album ALANKOMAAT. The title is the Finnish word for The Netherlands. Apart from Finnish guestmusicians as Kimmo Kajasto, Wimme, Ursula and Tuuni Länsman (Angelit Tyttöt), the new bandmembers Titia van Krieken (keyboards, backingvocals, ex Soft Parade) and Arwen Linnemann (bass, backingvocals) contribute to the album.

In 1998 and 1999 the Nits do an elaborate tour through the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Germany, Switserland, Austria and of course Finland.

Another solo cd by Robert Jan Stips : Greyhound, on tour with Mark Boon – guitar and Judith Sijp – violoncello.

tableau de la troupe for alankomaat tour

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