a fine band from the Netherlands, since 1974

photo W vd Hulst


p.o.box 51133

1007 EC Amsterdam

The Netherlands

management & agency: Aad Link

shop: shop@nits.nl

general info: Paul Telman

boekingen Nederland Twist agency


sound: Paul Telman

lights / website: Tom Telman



Robert Jan Stips



Rob Kloet

Avalanche Quartet


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You can also join us on Facebook and Instagram (nits1974) for tour- and release information, trivia, films and photos at almost daily basis (as long as we’re touring).


If you are interested in a complete discography (including every single ever released),

check out and download 


we don't send autographed pictures to professional or commercial collectors


If you need press photos click the button below to see what we have. Hi-res photos can be mailed to you on request. Send an email with the photos of your choice to webmaster@nits.nl. 

press photos

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