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Five Fingers
I smoke five fingers
In an Egyptian jail
The following singers
John… Bob… Leonard and Neil
Forever on my trail
I left my mummy
In the Valley of Kings
His voice is haunting me
In my head he sings
Dance with me Egyptian girl
I’m looking at you
With the eyes of the world
On Tahrir Square
With your pretty black dress
I see your eyes and yes yes yes
Let the window open
In the pale moonlight
I was looking at the green eyes
The green eyes of my bride
I smoke five fingers
In an Egyptian jail
The following singers
John…Bob… Leonard and Neil
Forever on my trail
Dance with me Egyptian girl
I’m looking at you
with the eyes of the world
On Tahrir Square
with your pretty black dress
I see your eyes and yes yes yes
I smoke five fingers
In an Egyptian jail
Love Locks
Lovers in Florence
Walking on the bridge
Locking their love locks
Sealed with a kiss
Throwing the key
Into the Arno
Love never dies
Lovers in Cologne
On the Hohenzollern bridge
Locking their love locks
Forever mine
Throwing the key
Into the Rhine
Love never dies
Porte de la Chapelle
Porte des Lilas
Porte de Bercy
Porte d’Italie
Porte Dauphine
Porte de Clichy
Love never dies
Call my name every night
I am falling down into the light
Falling slow so slow
Into a hole in the time
from the Kornhaus bridge
Into the river
I’ve seen her
In the headlights of the night
Princess of Darkness
Qui est elle?
Passing Porte de la Chapelle
She said love is a ring
A ring around Paris
Love never dies
I don’t know
Will my love grow
Last night I dreamed
That I was small
I was walking from her hand
To her elbow and her shoulder
Till I came to her ear
This is what I told her…
Love never dies
Man on a Wire
Standing on a wire
Looking at the world down below
Walking on a wire is easy
Because there’s one way to go
A truck on a street
Looks like an orange beetle
I know, I make it, I cannot make it
Loosing my life
With my hopes and my dreams
When I fall down
Fall down
Man on wire
Walking on Broadway
Standing on Greenwich
Looking at the man in the clouds
Between the two towers
A shirt is falling
Everybody shouts
Man on a wire looks like an orange beetle
I hope he makes it, he cannot make it
Horns of the cars
Ferries whistle
Flying flying
I’m not a bird, I will fall like a stone
I’m a man on a wire, so leave me alone
It’s so quiet up here
Living my life like an orange beetle
I know, I make it, I cannot make it
Loosing my life
With my hopes and my dreams
When I fall down, fall down
I may be stupid, I’m not a bird
It’s so quiet up here, leave me alone
Man on wire
Blue Things
There are so many blue things
In this world
The sky and the river and the sea
You love do me
Love do me
I was a soldier in your time
I had a river in my spine
The sky and the sea
You love do me
That’s when the rain stopped
That’s when the snow fell
That’s when the sun
Came through the clouds
There are so many blue things
In this world
The sky and the river and the sea
You love do me
Love do me
That’s when the rain stopped
That’s when the snow fell
That’s when the sun came
Through the clouds
That’s when the rain falls
That’s when the snow falls
I have to fall for you
The Poor
What can I do
What can I say
We live in a wilderness
We live in the grey
Where the poor are poor
And the rich are rich
No one knows what time it is
I can build myself
A fallout shelter
In my house
What can I say
What can I do
We live in a wilderness
We live in the blue
Winter in Berlin
Weisse Strassen, weisse Nächte
Ein Mann geht durch den Schnee
Um die Ecke der Schillerstrasse
In die schwarze Winternacht
Nacht und Nebel sind seine Freunde
Wo er ist, ist sie nicht
Bahnhof Zoo, er kauft eine Zeitung
Ein Schwarzweiss-Bild auf der Front
John F Kennedy und Willy Brandt
Deine Stimme
Sommer in Wuppertal
Sie ist soeben eingestiegen
Sie sitzt am Fenster der Schwebebahn
Die Sonne läuft auf Ihre Gesicht
Winter in Berlin
Am Ende denkt sie nur an ihn
Haltestelle Adlerbrücke
Sie steigt aus
Deine Stimme
Es gab noch eine Mauer
Es gab noch einen Feind
Adenauer und Willy Brandt
Deine Stimme
Mein Zimmer
Deine Stimme
Mein Himmel
Es gab noch eine Mauer
Es gab noch einen Freund
Minus Second Floor
I am walking through
A long corridor
In a building
On the minus second floor
There is a fire
Behind every wall
At the end
There’s a blue painted door
It’s a curse
It’s a lie
When I turn around
She will die
She is walking behind me
When I look back
She will be gone
Turn turn turn turn around
Turn turn turn turn
It’s a curse
It’s a lie
When I turn around
She will die
Turn turn turn turn around
Big Black Boats
Out there the red lighthouse is burning
I can see the big black boats turning
There’s an orange cloud in my eye
I can see the purple sky
I can walk with a stick untill I die
I wouldn’t mind
Down there the red tail-lights
Are burning
I can see my train of thoughts is turning
Another cloud is in my eye
Flying through the purple sky
I waited, I waited so long
For my train to come
Out there the red lighthouse is turning
I can see the big black boats burning
An orange cloud is in my eye
Flying through the purple sky
Big black birds are flying by
I couldn’t die, I couldn’t die
The fire-ship is coming
Through the Dark Ages
Electric light is burning
The red lighthouse is turning
Big black boats are burning
Thing Thing
We’ve got this thing thing
This makes me think thing
That double you you
Ex my and why thing
The double use of wondering
Why we don’t feel better
I try some more thing things
Some more of your things
I feel that some thing
That keep me warm thing
A thing called faith
A thing called love
Makes us feel better
We’ve got this new thing things
These me and you thing things
We’ve got this fly high wings
These don’t know why why things
Always there
Always there
To make us feel better
Make us feel better
Make us feel things
Feel things
Feel the real
Bad Government and its Effects on Town and Country
Where is your love
Your love is gone
I can not find it anymore
Where is your soul
Your soul is gone
I can not find it anymore
Where is my country
My country is gone
I can not find it anymore
Where is the light
The light in your eyes
Why are your rivers covered with ice
Your soul is covered with ice
Where is your love
Your love is gone
I can not find it anymore
Where is my country
My country is gone
I can not find it anymore
Bankers and Robbers
Are partners in crime
Lying all the time
They are lying all the time
Where is your love
Your love is gone
I can not find it anymore
Allegorie del Buono e Cattivo Governo e dei loro Effetti
in Città e in Campagna,
painted by Ambrogio Lorenzetti
I went out this morning to paint a tree
When I met David Hockney
Next to him was mister Monet
White suit
White hat
“Hurry up, hurry up” said Cézanne
The light will be gone
Before the work is done
We were innocent
We were like paper
White paper
In the room the women came and went
Talking about Vincent